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Mixila Waterfall

2 days | Trekking 

Duration:  2 days
Distance:  18km
Difficulty:  Advanced
Start: Lençóis
End: Lençóis

The Mixila Waterfall is located in the city of Lençóis and to get to know it we carry out a 2-day wild trekking, with a night of wild camping. With 80 meters high , it surprises us for being well hidden, little visited and being inside a well-closed canyon.


These 2 days of immersion in nature will take you inside incredible landscapes, waterfalls and valleys : a true museum of our history in the world. Along the walk, there are no support points, so we spend 2 nights camping and cooking what we bring.


Day 1:


7:00 am: Departure from Lençóis (transport: motorcycle or Toyota -

depending on the number of people) for 1 hour to the beginning of the trail.

We started the ascent of the goat for 2km to the Mixila canyon plain. During this hike, we pass through several old miners houses. Then, we continued for another 3km to the entrance of the canyon where we left the backpack, all the materials and sneakers to walk for 1 hour inside the canyon with passages in 2 swimming pools (if necessary, we provide like jacket).

After contemplating this magical and hided place, we return to the camping where we lef our backpacks and equipment on the top of Cachoeira do Poção. There we will enjoy this second waterfall, set up camp and have dinner to rest.


Total day 1: 10km

Day 2:


After breakfast, we dismantled the camp and continued for 1.5 km to Cachoeira do Capivari.

After enjoying this third waterfall, we prepare lunch and return along the same trail to the point where we will find transport to return to the city of Lençóis.

Total day 2: 8km.


What are we going to eat?

Typical Northeastern breakfast: eggs, bread, fruit, couscous, tapioca,  coffee.

Picnic lunch: salad, vegetables, vegetables, bread, cheese, fruits e  cookies.

Dinner: Rice, beans, pasta, vegetables, meat. 


We can adapt for vegan or vegetarian diets.

Where are we going to sleep?

Camping night.

Consult equipment values: tent, sleeping bag and insulation.


Guides: Who am I doing the trails with?

Our partner guides are native and have a lifetime of experience in the forests of Chapada Diamantina. They will give you a rich and incredible baggage of the local culture of this magical place, as well as tell you about the geology, fauna and flora of Chapada. They will take you to taste a typical Northeastern spice and most importantly, they love what they do so the energy of our trip is always up there!

Included in:

• Guide;

• Typical food;

• Round trip transportation x trail start



R$ 1200,00 por pessoa


Políticas de pagamento e cancelamento:

  • 30% do valor total via PIX ou transferência bancária e o restante deverá ser pago no primeiro dia de roteiro;

  • Parcelamento no PIX: uma parcela a cada mês até a data da viagem;

  • Cartão de credito ou débito a vista sem juros;

  • Parcelamento no cartão de crédito com juros (consultar);

  • Em caso de cancelamento, os 30% da reserva não são reembolsáveis.

  • Whatsapp
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